Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Digital Art Websites

  Deviantart is an artists’ social networking site I’ve been using for about a year now but has been around for quite a while.   Most of the works posted are digital but it also caters for traditional artworks as well, which is why I find it so appealing.  Chances are if you’re an artist you’ve probably heard about it at some stage so Googling it won’t be a problem, but a search for ‘art websites’ will direct you to it as well (it’s the first one after the sponsored links).

  The home page displays the most popular artworks within the last 8 hours and down the side tab you can find the different art categories.   Once signed in you get your own page to submit artworks to your gallery, post journals on your thoughts and search through other artists works and add the ones you like to your favourites gallery.  This website is very diverse which is probably why it’s so popular, with amateurs and professionals alike posting their works.
"Greed" by Liol

 I enjoyed this one because of the concept and the artists approach to the concept.  It's a very fresh way to look at the topic of climate change and man's abuse of the world's resources as it doesn't take the usual approach most green campaingers take.  I also thought it was well executed, in technique and composition, with the man's face just cut off to make it that little bit ambiguous.  He still looks corporate, but the balme doesn't go to any one person and rather many people.

"Ink Angel" by sakimichan

  I like this piece for because of the way the artist has mimicked ink using digital tools and also by the way they were able to add small digital detail without affecting the overall effect of the piece.  The composition is quite nice as well, lending a lot of energy to the piece and the stark contrast between the red, white and the black makes this work all the more effective.

"The Workstation" by Jujika

I found this piece quite fun.  The artists slightly cartoony style is balanced by semi realistic shading, allowing it to adjust to the unusual setting quite well.

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